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Theo Grows
Here is a post dedicated to our smallest member – the one of us whom you are most interested in seeing! He is growing leaps and bounds – was 10 pounds at his 6 week checkup, gaining ~ ½ pound a week on average. He is wearing his 3-6-month-old clothing already. Generally he is a very good baby, although we are learning he has his limits – he “goes with the flow” during busy days (like an 8-hour day in Chimoio – including drive time there and back – to go to the bank and grocery store, or an all-day trip to hike to the waterfall on Gorongosa Mountain), sleeping in the car and generally doing wonderfully. But then he lets us have it that night, howling and refusing to stay asleep until it’s time for us to go to sleep.
Mercifully he does sleep well at night (usually) once he actually gets to sleep, waking only a couple of times – without screaming – to nurse, after which he goes back to sleep. Small miracle when you live in a camp with houses close together and no glass (just screens) in the windows!
Recent developmental milestones: smiling, grabbing/gripping, and looking adoringly at caretakers. Batting at things deliberately is just around the corner, according to Rich! He loves baths (in a small plastic tub in our bathroom’s shower).
Ian continues to be a stellar older brother, showering him with obvious and genuine love, looking after his needs, and helping his mom, dad and Gram take care of little Theo.