We were delighted to host our first visitors from home in early July: John, Carole and Lea whom we know from Madison. John and Rich are collaborating on developing a survey project in the communities of the park (John runs the UW Survey Center), and Carole is looking to develop a project to train local people in massage for use in the local health clinics and for the benefit of staff and tourists in the Park. (Believe me, lots of staff benefited from her talented hands during the week she was in Chitengo!
We met John, Carole, and Lea in Johannesburg on our way back from Port Elizabeth. We piled into our enormous rental minibus to make the 3 hour trip northwest to Pilanesburg National Park, a terrific (and closer and less hectic) place to see great African game. The weather continued cold, and we all shivered and were thankful for the warm blankets in our rental safari tents. We saw lots of great game - white rhino, elephant, zebra, wildabeest, and even a honey badger during our night drive. Heard the giant roar of a lion as he notified all of his territory, but couldn't find him for a look. Did find an interesting sunset scene with two elephants, an older male and a youthful male, the details of which we will save for the next time we share a beer with you! Suffice it to say it was a "first timer" for everyone on the game drive, including the driver!
After two full days in Pilanesburg (including my birthday, well celebrated with balloons, a delicious rich piece of cake complete with sparklers and a song from the restaurant staff, and lots of great adventures), we headed from Joberg to Beira in Mozambique and the three hour drive to Gorongosa National Park. We spent our week there enjoying Chitengo, taking in a few game drives (and expeditions on the helicopter for the lucky ones!), and doing lots of playing. Ian and Lea were great friends, drawing lots of great pictures, making books, holding "Fun Club" sessions daily (complete with Manners Class), and creating other adventures.
We also had a great trip across the Pungue River together to the community of Vinho from which many Chitengo workers come to their jobs, but I'll save that story for another post!
If you need details about coming to visit, contact John, Carole, and Lea, as they are experts now! It was super to be able to share our new life here in Chitengo with good friends.