We are delighted to report that Ian's latest fascination is with frogs and toads! Our swimming pool here at camp is a big attractant for frogs and Ian has taken to checking several times a day in both the "grown-up pool" and the kiddie pool for resident frogs. He has discovered that the best place to look for them is on top of the little flap that leads to the filter. And we think that he is actually rescuing many of these frogs and toads from certain death, as there is no way for the frogs to actually exit the swimming pool -- the walls are too high and slippery for them to be able to jump out, and after a while they run out of energy from lack of food and from much effort trying to get out.
Ian carefully examines the frogs and is learning the important characteristics to look at in order to identify the frog or toad -- the shape of the pupil in the frog's eyes, the shape of the toes, the length of the hind legs, and other characteristics. So far we think we have identified four different species right here in our swimming pool!
Ian desperately wants to sleep with his frogs, but thankfully the most he has insisted on so far is to bring them into our shower for a few minutes. We are sure to let the frogs/toads go before too long so they can go find food! We are hoping our friend Carlos Bento might be able to bring up a terrarium from Maputo so that we might make a suitable home for a frog or two here inside the house... Rich and I are thrilled for our budding naturalist.