You might say Ian was excited about this day. Last night, he woke Rich up at 2 am to tell him to put the breakfast bagels in the oven so he wouldn’t be late for school, and Ian told us this morning that “no night ever felt so long”. We walked to school with our neighbors and felt like a Norman Rockwell painting.
Details of the day are slowly trickling out but so far we know the day involved recess, lunch, music class, and a second recess. Ian’s job is the calendar, but he is not sure what it means or for how long he has this responsibility.
Not to be outdone, Theo also had his first day in daycare at Big Oak (where Ian went for more than 3 years). We are told that all went well. So far, he has no responsibilities other than tasting everything and sitting upright. We are happy to report that Theo had less anticipation about his big day because he was awake only at 10pm, 12am, 3am, and 6am and this was an improvement over the previous night.